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MPS Becomes G-Cloud 12 Framework Supplier

MPS Process was welcomed again as a supplier for G-Cloud the UK Governments Cloud Computing Services.


This means that both Central and Local Government can buy CCM directly as MPS Process Ltd is an approved G-Cloud 12 supplier.


In 2020 alone G-Cloud Cloud Software accounted for £366.8 million and since it was introduced in 2012 over £1.38 bn has been procured through G-Cloud of which £600m has been procured via SME’s like MPS Process Ltd.


MPS has been fortunate to have supplied many Local and County government bodies directly. But with G-Cloud., it’s now much easier and can in certain situations be an effective way to enjoy all of the benefits of CCM. This means that everyone can have the visibility of their construction/infrastructure projects.



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With G-Cloud allows central and local government including NHS Trusts and other public sector bodies a way to purchase cloud-based services easily and often without needing to go to tender.


G-Cloud is accessed through the Digital Marketplace, which was created in 2014 by Crown Commercial Service and Government Digital Service to make government procurement easier and more transparent.


If you want to find out more about the various solutions that MPS Process Ltd offers Central & Local Government through the latest G-Cloud  listing visit the MPS digital listing  or call Christian Hubbard on 01223 597933 or email



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